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Pricing All prices in H2osport.se are quoted in Swedish kronor inc. At any price changes in the store comes to the price prevailing at the customer's order. At any duty and VAT paid by the recipient. information H2osport.se is owned by ACTIVE INDUSTRY GROUP SWEDEN AB. All payment is paid to ACTIVE INDUSTRY GROUP SWEDEN AB under swedish laws. In order to shop with H2osport.se required that you are 18 years or you must have parental approval to act . Orders made in another person's name without his consent, or otherwise, which means that we suffer financial or other harm to the police . We try to convey as fair and informative images of our products that it is just possible, but we reserve for typographical errors , errors in information and errors in the specification, all in our range of products and services . All pictures on our sites should be seen as illustrations , we can not guarantee that the image renders exactly . Minimum order 100 sek
We welcome international custumers. Within European countries VAT is paid on invoice according to Swedish law.
Outside the EU, All duty and VAT, this will be paid by the recipient in recipient country.
Order confirmation An automatic order confirmation sent to the 's email as stated in the order. The order number for this acknowledgment must always be mentioned in contact with us regarding your order. Availability H2osport.se send orders continuously and under normal circumstances , your order within 1-5 business days. Should a product be temporarily be out of stock you will be notified of this and can then choose to wait for the product or make a cancellation. H2osport.se has the right to cancel orders for goods if no longer in stock or change in shipping price. Please note that some products have up to 3 weeks delivery. Please read delivery time on product page. H2osport.se not responsible for delays caused by the post office or any shipping company. payment Bankgiro 5151-7423 Active Industry Group Sweden AB Payable before being sent to either bank transfer or Paypal Klarna or Payson See more information on Paypal at http://www.paypal.com , Payson on http://www.payson.se If pay by invoice is avalible this is only to Swedish residents. Credit report will be done. 30 day due. If Paysonfaktura " We offer payment method " Paysonfaktura " in collaboration with Payson AB. Payment terms are 14 days and the invoice will be a charge of 20kr. To order by invoice you must be over 18 and be registered in Sweden as well as authorized in the credit checks carried out at purchase. The invoice will be sent separately by email to the email address you provide at the time of purchase. Any delay in payment , we will send a payment reminder being a reminder charge of the Currently 60 SEK. We also charge interest at 2 % per month from the due date . If payment is submitted the matter to a collection agency which statutory collection fee of currently 160 SEK will be added. Payson reserves the right, in case refuse delivery and reconsider the Purchaser creditworthiness. " Information about pledging " When paying with Paysonfaktura invoice will be pledged to Payson and then to SVEA Economy AB , 556489-2924 . "
Credit card (Visa/mastercard) amount on order will be deducted once package is shipped, Klarna orders will be activated once package is delivered or later.
Shipping costs You will see the shipping cost in your shopping cart before you confirm your order . Always free correspondence Free shipping other shipping options on orders over 1000 SEK Free shipping doesn't apply on exchanges Where is my package ? You can track your package via Parcel http://www.posten.se/ or http://www.schenkerprivpak.se using consignment number on your delivery notification emails that you receive from us when your package was sent. This does not apply to the service entry letter . None pickup package We reserve the right to charge a minimum 300 SEK for not picked up package / goods to cover shipping and handling costs . Payment must be made within 14 days from date of invoice. complaints If an item is defective please contact us within 10 days of delivery. We check all the goods before delivery. A detailed description can be sent to H2osport.se , preferably with a photo documentation. Do not forget to leave your name , telephone number and order number. Shipping damage is notified at the post office where the goods were taken out . Right of withdrawal / Opening buy / Right to exchange According distance agreement , you are entitled to cancel your purchase or exchange your item within a period of 14 days after you have received your package. Always contact us before you return your item and specify the be the case . The buyer is responsible for return shipping at regretted the purchase or exchange and goods must be unused and be in the same condition as the item was shipped. This is also the product's labels, bags and more. Note that repentance / return not valid on the bikini bottoms . If you want bikini sealed , contact H2osport.se in the context of purchase. Items that have gotten a personal adjustment like skis or made just for the customer.
personal Information H2osport.se protect your customer data under the GDPR. This information is used only in our customer database in order to facilitate contact between us and the customer. If you don't want us to keep your information, please send us an mail to info@h2osport.se
Information on withdrawal "According to the Distance and Doorstep Selling Act, you as a consumer (this is not business ) right to withdraw from Agreement by notifying us within 14 days from receipt of goods. For you to be able to use your right to cancel you must return the goods undamaged , in original packaging. When using the withdrawal , it is you who is responsible for return postage . "
You can submit a claim up to 2 years in all EU please read more here https://www.hallakonsument.se/other-languages/english-engelska1/consumer-rights/submit-a-claim-on-a-faulty-product-or-service/
If you want to claim a product please call or mail
We refer to the Swedish version of this document in case of typographical errors.
Sportboden, Active industry group Sweden AB
Avbokning och ändringar får ske fram till 24 timmar innan hyresperioden utan kostnad. 24 timmar eller mindre innan hyresperioden åligger hyrestagare att betala halva hyresperioden som bokats. Hela bokade hyresperioden skall betalas när den bokade hyresperioden börjats om man inte kan bevisa att man försökt att kontakta hyrestagaren i skriftlig form som sms eller mail att man vill ändra bokningen enl ovan villkor (se kontaktuppgifter nedan). Är hyran förskottsbetalad återbetalas hyran tillbaka om den avbokas enl ovan men inte om hyresperioden redan påbörjats. Vid sjukdom eller skada kan resterande hyra av hyresperioden återbetalas om läkare eller liknade kan skriva sjukintyg för den skadade eller sjuka. Om det gäller barn som måste vårdas av en förälder gäller samma villkor som för barnet. Hyrestagaren skall vårda hyresobjektet och dess utrustning under hyrestiden och får inte göra några förändringar av detsamma. Hyrestagaren är skyldig att följa uthyrarens instruktioner rörande hyresobjektets skötsel. Hyresobjektet och dess utrustning ska återlämnas i oförändrat skick, frånsett normalt slitage. Hyrestagaren ansvarar under hyrestiden för förlust av hyresobjektet (och dess utrustning) och för samtliga skador som inte utgör normalt slitage. Det åligger hyrestagaren att utan dröjsmål underrätta uthyraren om detta. Uthyraren skall efter sådan underrättelse meddela hyrestagaren vilka åtgärder som skall vidtas. Vid stöld samt vid skada på hyresobjektet som åsamkats av okänd person ansvarar hyrestagaren för att göra polisanmälan på den ort där stölden/skadan skett och sända kopia av anmälan till uthyraren. Uthyraren och hyrestagaren skall innan uthyrningen noga besiktiga hyresobjektet och notera eventuella skador samt vid behov upprätta en utrustningslista (t.ex. på baksidan av detta avtal) som båda skall signera. Vid återlämnande av hyresobjektet skall uthyraren och hyrestagaren återigen besiktiga hyresobjektet och avvikelser skall ersättas av hyrestagaren. Uthyraren och hyrestagaren bör även göra en säkerhetskontroll av hyresobjektet för att försäkra sig om att det är säkert att köra och att det inte finns några odokumenterade skador. Förslag på säkerhetskontroll finns nedan. Hyrestagaren förbinder sig att betala en självrisk om 8000 kr vid skada på hyresobjektet eller utrustningens värde som motsvarar hyresobjektets värde i början av hyran. Om hyresobjektet blir stulen under hyresperioden skall hyrestagaren betala full självrisk eller hyresobjektets värde omgående. Vid skador eller slitage som ases som större än normalt t ex skador på belägg eller kanter skall skaderepration betalas av hyrestagare. Allmän vårdslöshet mot utrustning kan innebära att man enl ovan får betala hela självrisken.
Personuppgifter h2osport.se skyddar dina kunduppgifter enligt GDPR. Dessa uppgifter används endast i vårt kundregister för att underlätta kontakten mellan oss och kunden.
Vill ni inte att uppgifter sparas skickar ni enkelt ett mail till info@h2osport.se och meddelar detta. Active industry group Sweden AB 559079-7097 info@blasjosport.se 0739-49 09 48
Information regarding online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):
The European Commission gives consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR on one of their platforms. The platform (http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr) serves as a site where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements of disputes arising from online purchases and contracts for services.